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IMG Travel Insurance – 2024 Review

IMG Travel Insurance Company Review

IMG Travel Insurance Company Review
Insurance Partner
Coverage Options


  • Strong insurance partner
  • A comprehensive range of products
  • Great value for money


  • None

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IMG Travel Insurance offers comprehensive, single-trip plans for up to 10 travelers per policy.

There are three IMG travel insurance plans:

These exceptionally robust plans offer greater flexibility for travelers with protection like:

  • Cancellation/interruption if your pet is sick or injured (SE and LX only)
  • Pregnancy
  • Required to work during scheduled trip
  • Bankruptcy or default of a common carrier
  • Natural disasters and hurricanes
  • Sickness, injury, or death of your destination host
  • Option to add Cancel For Any Reason (LX only)

These are just a few of the features in IMG Travel Insurance policies.

About IMG Insurance

IMG opened in 1990 and is based in Indianapolis, Indiana.

IMG Travel Insurance is rated "A-Excellent" for financial strength by AM Best. United States Fire Insurance Company underwrites the policies.

They are an experienced, full-service insurance operation and one of the fastest-growing travel insurance carriers in the US.

All of their insurance, administrative, claims, and travel assistance services are performed in-house. Each division and department is integrated on the same system and in real-time.

Which IMG Travel Insurance Policy Is Best for My Trip?

How do you know which IMG travel insurance plan to choose for your trip?

TripProtectors always advises international travelers, especially seniors, to select a plan with at least $100,000 Medical Insurance and $250,000 Medical Evacuation. When possible, we also recommend a policy with a Waiver of Pre-existing Medical Conditions.


IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Best for

International travel

Urban and remote international travel

Urban and remote international travel

All three IMG travel insurance plans are suitable for domestic and international travel. They all include at least $100,000 Medical Insurance and $250,000 Medical Evacuation.

However, IMG Travel Lite is the only plan that does not offer a Waiver of Pre-existing Conditions.

In this article, we examine the significant features of the IMG plans and how they differ.

All benefits listed are per person amounts.

For travelers who prefer a more substantial level of medical insurance, we recommend either the IMG Travel SE or Travel LX.

Summary of IMG Travel Insurance

All plans include:

Ancillary benefits on all policies:

Travel SE and Travel LX:

Optional upgraded benefits for IMG Travel LX:

IMG Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption – Common Covered Reasons

IMG travel insurance policies have some of the most comprehensive and leading-edge Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption reasons in the industry.

Covered Trip Cancellation reasons are the policy's perils that pay a 100% trip cost refund.

Covered Trip Interruptions can occur during your voyage. The policy reimburses for the unused portion of the journey, as well as the extra transportation cost to go home.

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Trip Cancellation

100% Trip Cost

100% Trip Cost

100% Trip Cost

Trip Interruption

125% Trip Cost

150% Trip Cost

150% Trip Cost

All three IMG plans include the following standard cancellation reasons:

  • Unforeseen illness, injury, hospitalization, or death of a traveler, family member, traveling companion's family member, child's caregiver, host at the destination, or business partner
  • Complications of pregnancy
  • Hospitalization for a mental, nervous, or psychological condition
  • Financial default or bankruptcy of a common carrier, cruise line, or tour operator (does not include travel agency)*
  • Documented traffic accident en route to departure or the destination
  • Common carrier mechanical breakdown or equipment failure
  • Shutdown of airport or air traffic control due to fire, power outage, security breach, civil disorder, riot, or government orders
  • Mandatory evacuation due to adverse weather or natural disasters*
  • Strike of common carrier
  • Inclement weather
  • Residence or destination uninhabitable due to natural disaster, vandalism, or burglary*
  • NOAA hurricane warning
  • Hijacking, quarantine, jury duty, subpoena
  • Called to military or first responder service due to natural disaster, epidemic, civil disorder, terrorism, or war
  • Military leave revoked
  • Terrorism
  • Documented theft of passports or visas
  • Involuntary layoff or transfer
  • Required to work because vacation rescinded, a natural disaster, burglary or vandalism at the place of employment, or involved in a merger, acquisition, product recall, or bankruptcy proceedings.

*indicates a Time Sensitive Benefit

IMG Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption – Notable Covered Reasons

Travel SE and LX all of the covered reasons listed above, and add:

  • Pet or service animal, injured, sick, diagnosed with a terminal illness, or dies
  • Normal pregnancy or childbirth, or attend childbirth of family member or surrogate if conceived after the policy's effective date
  • Legal separation or divorce (trip cancellation only)
  • Divorce or custody hearing
  • Pet or service animal hijacked or quarantined
  • Level 4 travel alert or warning, travel ban, or evacuation order for your destination
  • Full-time student, teacher, or employee at primary school must attend extended school year
  • Traveler required to take an academic exam after during your scheduled trip
  • Traveler required to participate in interscholastic or team sport event during scheduled trip
  • Adoption proceedings
  • Trip Delay causes you to lose 50% or more of scheduled trip

Finally, Travel LX adds:

  • Unexpected sickness, injury, death, or hospitalization of trip guide/outfitter
  • Event canceled due to inclement weather
  • US government issues hunting or fishing activity restrictions
  • 75% of ski trails or slopes closed due to insufficient snow, natural disaster, or trail condition*
  • Passport or visa not issued in time for the trip (trip cancellation only)

*indicates a Time Sensitive Benefit


IMG Medical Insurance – What Is Covered?

Medical Insurance is one of the most critical benefits you need when traveling overseas.

TripProtectors always recommends taking at least $100,000 Medical Insurance when leaving the US.

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Medical Insurance




IMG Travel Lite includes $100,000 Medical Insurance, Travel SE has $250,000, and Travel LX offers a robust $500,000.

All three IMG policies furnish substantial Medical Insurance benefits. We are comfortable recommending any IMG plan for international travel.

Most private health insurance policies do not have adequate medical insurance when outside the US. They also work on a reimbursement basis, so you pay the provider upfront.

Medicare does not pay for any treatment obtained internationally, even in life-threatening situations. Medicare supplements limit treatment to life-and-death cases and only provide a lifetime limit of $50,000. You pay 20% of the costs and 100% of any expenses over $50,000.

IMG Medical Insurance plans guarantee payment to a hospital if they require a down payment for admission.

Primary vs. Secondary Medical Insurance Coverage

Two IMG plans offer Primary Medical Insurance.

Primary means this policy will pay before any other health insurance you have.

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Medical Coverage




IMG Travel Lite is a secondary plan, so it waits for your own insurance to pay first, then it covers the rest.

IMG Emergency Medical Evacuation – What is Covered?

Like Medical Insurance, Emergency Medical Evacuation is an essential travel insurance benefit.

Medical Evacuation:

  • Transports you from the place of illness or injury to the nearest hospital
  • Transports you to another hospital if the first one is cannot properly treat your condition
  • Transports you home from abroad (repatriation)
  • Transports the remains home
  • Pays for a family member to come to your hospital bedside if traveling alone
  • Pays for a chaperone and transportation to return children home if there is only one adult

TripProtectors always recommends taking at least $250,000 Medical Evacuation when traveling overseas.

All three IMG Travel plans exceed our recommendation. Thus, all three policies are suitable for remote, international travel.

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Medical Evacuation




Repatriation of Remains




Bedside Visit




Return Children Home with Chaperone




Transportation in a private medical jet can cost $15,000 to $25,000 per flight hour.

Consequently, an air evacuation from Europe or Central America may cost $125,000 - $250,000.

However, if you need an evacuation from Asia, Africa, Australia, or a polar region, expect fees of $300,000 to $500,000.

Medicare does never covers international medical evacuations.

The US State Department provides no financial help in a Medical Evacuation. They recommend all travelers buy trip insurance.

IMG Travel LX has additional benefits:

  • Search and Rescue benefit of $10,000
  • Daily benefit for bedside companion of $200 per day, max $1,000
  • Hospital of Choice – If you require evacuation, you can request which hospital you prefer
  • Political and Security Evacuation benefit of $50,000 – Non-medical evacuation that takes you to a safe haven or home

Pre-existing Medical Conditions – What Are They?

Pre-existing Medical Conditions are injuries or illnesses that occur before you buy your travel insurance plan.

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Pre-existing Condition Waiver




Pre-ex Time Sensitive Period


20 Days

Before or on the day of Final Payment

IMG Travel SE covers Pre-existing Conditions with a waiver when you buy the policy within 20 days of paying your initial trip deposit or payment.

IMG Travel LX works a little differently.

LX covers Pre-existing Conditions if you buy the plan before or the day of your final payment. Travel LX is an excellent option for people who want to cover Pre-existing Conditions but not the entire trip cost.

Suppose you either forgot to buy early or do not want to commit to insurance until paying the final payment. In that case, Travel LX can still cover Pre-existing Conditions.

IMG Travel Lite does not offer a Waiver of Pre-existing Condition coverage. Instead, it looks back at your medical history for the 60 days before you buy the policy to determine if you have a Pre-existing Condition.

Look Back Period – What Is It?

What happens if you did not buy in time to qualify for a Pre-existing Condition Waiver?

Your medical history would be subject to a 60 day look back period.

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Look Back Period

60 Days

60 Days

60 Days

All 3 IMG plans have a 60 day look back period. This is relatively generous, as some policies look back 180 to 360 days.

Look back refers to how long an insurance company concerns itself with your health history. IMG is only interested in the 60 days before you buy the travel insurance.

They want to know if you have had any recent medical treatment, testing, medication change, new prescriptions, or recommendations for treatments or tests you have not done yet.

If your Pre-existing Condition is older than 60 days and stable with medication, the policy covers them.

However, if you sought treatment for the flu 3 weeks ago, the policy considers it a Pre-existing Condition.

The solution is to buy a policy with a Pre-existing Condition Waiver. Then, there is no look back.

Time Sensitive Period – What Is It?

Many travel insurance plans offer additional benefits when you buy the policy early.

Some essential Time Sensitive benefits:

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Pre-ex Time Sensitive Period


20 Days

Before or on the day of Final Payment

Cancel For Any Reason Time Sensitive Period



20 Days

Also, when you buy the plan within 20 days of your initial deposit date, all three IMG policies include cancellation for:

  • Carrier bankruptcy protection
  • Your home or destination is inaccessible or uninhabitable due to natural disaster, fire, burglary, or vandalism
  • Mandatory evacuation at destination


Cancel For Any Reason – How Does It Work?

Cancel For Any Reason is the ultimate level of cancellation flexibility.

Only IMG Travel LX offers Cancel For Any Reason as an optional upgrade.

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Cancel For Any Reason



75% Cash Refund

Interruption For Any Reason



75% Cash Refund

CFAR Time Sensitive Period



Within 20 days of Initial Payment Date

Cancel No Later Than



2 Days Before Departure Date

IMG Travel LX Cancel For Any Reason reimburses you for 75% of the total trip cost when:

  • You buy the plan within 20 days of paying your initial deposit or payment
  • All travelers are medically fit to travel when you buy the insurance policy
  • Cancel 2 days or more before the scheduled departure date

Worth noting, most CFAR plans require insuring 100% of all prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements.

Travel LX CFAR does not require you to cover everything. So, if you want to cover just the cruise and not the airfare or hotels, you can.

IMG Travel LX with Cancel For Any Reason also includes a unique benefit, Interruption For Any Reason. Not all Cancel For Any Reason plans offer it.

Basically, you can interrupt your trip and go home early for any or no reason at all. You would receive a 75% refund of the unused portion of the prepaid arrangements.

Conversely, IFAR requires you to cover 100% of all prepaid, non-refundable trip costs and buy the policy before or on the Final Payment Date.

Cancel For Work Reason – How Does It Work?

All three IMG plans allow you to Cancel For Work Reasons. Then, the policy reimburses you 100% of the trip cost.

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Cancel For Work Reason

100% Refund

100% Refund

100% Refund

CFWR Time Sensitive Period




IMG travel insurance includes these Cancel For Work Reasons:

  • Involuntary termination
  • Employer revocation of vacation
  • Employee transfer
  • Employer merger
  • Natural disaster at the place of employment
  • Military and first responder activation to provide aid after a natural disaster
  • Military leave revoked

Fortunately, none of IMG's plans have a Time Sensitive requirement to enjoy this benefit. So, you can enjoy Cancel For Work provision even if you buy the policy more than 20 days after your initial deposit date.

Trip Delay vs. Missed Connection

Trip Delay features kick in if you are delayed by a common carrier (airline, cruise line, train, bus, etc.).

After you've been delayed 6-12 hours, the IMG plans reimburse you for food, taxi, hotel, and phone calls.

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Trip Delay


$500 max


$500 max


$1,000 max

Minimum Trip Delay Duration

12 hours

12 hours

6 hours

Pet Kennel


$100 per day per pet

$300 max

$100 per day per pet

$500 max

Missed Connection



$500 max


$500 max

Minimum Missed Connection Delay


6 hours

3 hours

A covered Trip Delay is a:

  • Car accident en route to departure city or destination
  • Common carrier delay
  • Theft or loss of passport or visa
  • Hijacking
  • Quarantine
  • Strike
  • Inclement weather
  • Natural disaster

Trip Delay reimbursement benefits are per person. So, if you have a traveling companion, the amount will double.

IMG Travel SE and LX also cover Pet Kennel reimbursement if you are delayed 6 hours or more returning home.

Both plans provide $100 per day per pet. Travel SE caps kennel reimbursement at $300, while Travel LX offers up to $500. This amount is separate from the Trip Delay per diem.

Missed Connection means that you missed the start of a cruise or tour due to a covered delay. Notice that the delay time is less for this benefit.

Missed Connection reimburses you for the transportation cost to catch up to your tour or cruise and the cruise or tour's unused portion. Also, It provides compensation for meals, hotels, taxis, and phone calls.

Covered Missed Connection situations are:

  • A common carrier delay
  • Inclement weather
  • Quarantine, hijacking, strike, natural disaster, terrorism, civil disorder, or riot

Note that IMG Travel Lite does not include Missed Connection benefits.

Change Fees and Frequent Traveler Rewards

IMG Travel SE and Travel LX supply reimbursement for Change Fees and the cost to re-bank Frequent Traveler Rewards to your account.

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Change Fee




Frequent Traveler Reward




Change Fees apply to altering your common carrier tickets due to:

  • A covered Trip Cancellation
  • A covered Trip Interruption
  • A common carrier delay
  • Involved in a car accident en route to departure
  • Travel supplier cancels or interrupts your trip

Did you use frequent traveler rewards to pay for your travel arrangements?

Then, this benefit grants you a reimbursement of up to $75 to put the points back on your account. Note, this only applies to covered cancellations named in the policy.

IMG Rental Car Damage and Theft Waiver

Both Travel SE and Travel LX policies include rental car damage protection.

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Rental Car Collision


$40,000 per vehicle

$40,000 per vehicle

Travel SE and Travel LX cover up to $40,000 per covered vehicle.

However, there are some restrictions. It only covers passenger vehicles like sedans, motorcycles, pickup trucks, mini-vans, RVs, and SUVs.

Note, this covers only physical damage to the vehicle. It does not provide liability protection.

Check the policy certificate for rental car conditions and exclusions.

Travel Accidental Death and Dismemberment

Travel SE and Travel LX each provide compensation if a traveler suffers an accidental dismemberment or death while on a common carrier (aircraft, train, cruise ship, bus, etc.).

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Accidental Death & Dismemberment


$25,000 Common Carrier Only

$100,000 Common Carrier Only

A dismemberment would include loss of an eye, hand, or foot. Depending on the severity, the benefit pays between 50-100% of the listed amount.

IMG's travel accidental death benefit also includes exposure and disappearance.

IMG Travel Lite does not include this benefit.

Baggage Insurance and Baggage Delay

Baggage Insurance reimburses you if a common carrier loses or damages your luggage.

Baggage Delay compensates you if a common carrier delays your baggage and you must buy replacement clothes and necessities.

Benefit per person

IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Baggage Loss/Damage




Baggage Insurance Per Item Limit




Sports Equipment Rental



$500 per day

$2,000 max

Baggage Delay


24 hours or more


12 hours or more


12 hours or more

Baggage Insurance has a per item maximum. If you travel with expensive couture, the most compensation you'd receive is $250 per item. Once the loss reaches the maximum amount, the benefit ends.

Includes cost to replace travel documents, passports, and visas.

IMG Travel LX also covers the loss of rented sports equipment if lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed, or delayed by a common carrier for 12 hours or more.

Save your receipts whenever possible. If you do not have a receipt, reimbursement comes from the lesser of the item's actual cash value or cost to replace it with like kind or quality.

Baggage losses exclude some items. Check the policy certificate for details.

Optional Upgrades

IMG travel insurance offers one optional upgrade: Cancel For Any Reason and Interruption For Any Reason on the Travel LX plan.


IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Cancel For Any Reason /
Interruption For Any Reason



Optional upgrade for an additional premium

When you buy the plan within 20 days of your initial deposit and pay the additional premium, the policy will enable CFAR.

Other Policy Requirements


IMG Travel Lite

IMG Travel SE

IMG Travel LX

Minimum Trip Distance

100 miles from home

100 miles from home

100 miles from home

Minimum Insurable Trip Cost




Maximum Trip Duration

180 days

180 days

180 days

Maximum Age Insured

99 years

99 years

99 years

Travel Assistance

All IMG policies include Global Peace of Mind Travel Assistance services.

You can call them 24/7 from anywhere in the world.

They can help with:

  • Emergency travel arrangements
  • Lost passport/travel documents assistance
  • Lost luggage assistance
  • Embassy or consulate referral
  • Emergency message relay
  • Emergency prescription replacement
  • Medical referral
  • Emergency cash transfer
  • Legal referrals
  • Emergency translations
  • and more

To contact IMG Travel Assistance in the US or Canada, call 866-243-7524. From worldwide locations, call collect +1-317-655-9798.

IMG Travel Insurance is Nearly Perfect

IMG Travel Insurance offers industry-leading protection with robust Medical Insurance and Medical Evacuation benefits.

If you have particular concerns that the IMG products address, consider one of their plans when creating a free, instant quote at TripProtectors Travel Insurance Marketplace.

Will I Pay More Buying Travel Insurance from a Comparison Website?

No. By law, no one can compete on price for the same insurance product.

Therefore, you will always find the lowest possible price from us. It is the exact same price you would receive directly from the insurer.

Visit TripProtectors to shop the Travel Insurance Marketplace to compare over 30 policies before committing to the first trip insurance policy you see.

Please stop by and chat with us, send an email, or give us a call at +1(650) 397-6592.

Safe travels!

This article has been written for review purposes only and does not suggest sponsorship or endorsement of AARDY by the trademark owner.

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